How Chiropractic Care Improves the Quality of Your Sleep

 In Conditions

Most people think that chiropractic adjustments are only performed as a pain remedy. While regular chiropractic visits can work wonders at relieving body pain, it’s just one of the many holistic benefits. Many patients who come to Horst Chiropractic report other important health benefits that improve general wellness, such as weight loss, stress relief, and improved energy levels throughout the day.

A number of our Temecula, CA chiropractic patients have noted that they sleep better thanks to regular adjustments. Let’s take a moment to consider how chiropractic care can improve the quality of your sleep, and even help fight insomnia and other sleeping disorders.

Relieving Pain Can Make Sleep More Restful

Some people may find it difficult to sleep because of spinal pain. The pain they experience may cause them to wake up multiple times during the night rather than allowing the person to get a full night’s rest. Chiropractic adjustment can help reduce the amount of pain a person feels, which can improve restfulness during sleep.

Reducing Stress Makes a Good Night’s Sleep More Likely

Stress and anxiety are both major causes of insomnia. Restlessness before going to bed may not be insomnia per se, but it can delay your ability to fall asleep. Most people find they feel more relaxed after undergoing a chiropractic adjustment. Chiropractic care offers peace of mind, which can be an important part of helping you get to bed easily. 

Improving Overall Bodily Function

Apart from pain relief and peace of mind, chiropractic adjustments target the central nervous system. Regular visits with a chiropractor can help your body be in proper alignment. That leads to optimal, efficient function of your entire body. A properly functioning and efficient body can improve sleep patterns, overall restfulness, energy levels, and a host of other things.

Suggestions about Mattresses, Bedding, and Sleep Habits

A good chiropractor doesn’t just move your body. A good chiropractor can also provide insight into your sleeping habits and how those could be affecting your ability to sleep. We can discuss your mattress, what pillows you use, sleeping position, and even the time you get to bed each night. Making adjustments to these factors in combination with chiropractic adjustments can work wonders for your sleep quality.

Noting Your Diet and Exercise Routine

Diet and exercise contribute to general health in myriad ways. If you are not getting enough exercise and/or not eating a healthy, balanced diet, this could be impacting your sleep quality and general health. As part of our holistic approach to wellness, we can go over your diet and exercise habits and come up with some suggestions that improve your general wellness.

Helping You Rest Easy and Rest Well

Through a combination of the above approaches, our team will consider multiple factors that impact your ability to get a good night’s rest. With each chiropractic visit, we can discuss how your sleep quality and other facets of your life have been going. We’ll continue to offer suggestions and perform adjustments until you notice improvements in overall wellness and well being. We are here for you. 

Learn More about Chiropractic Care

To learn more about the many benefits of chiropractic treatment, be sure to schedule a consultation at Horst Chiropractic. We will work closely with you to promote wellness and improve the way you go about your day (and night).

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