Monthly Health Tip: Why You Should Avoid Sugary Beverages

 In diet

An experienced chiropractor knows that preventing pain and improving health involves more than just regular chiropractic adjustments. The team at our Temecula, CA practice strives to improve total wellness in our patients, which means focusing on dietary concerns as well as joint health.

One of the best things you can do for your total wellness is avoid excessive sugar consumption. That’s why this month’s health tip focuses on eliminating sugary drinks from your diet. Let’s explain the benefits.

How Much Sugar Should You Consume Each Day?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that added sugars should only make up 10 percent of all calories consumed each day. That sounds simple on its surface, but it’s much easier said than done.

One of the biggest sources of added sugar in people’s lives are beverages. That includes sodas, sports drinks, and fruit juices. A 20 oz bottle of Coke (sweetened with corn syrup) has 60 grams of sugar and is a whopping 231 calories. That’s already over 10 percent of your calories in excess sugar if you consume 2,000 calories a day. Keep in mind that the average American consumes around 44 gallons of soda each year.

Less Sugar Consumption Helps You Lose Weight

If you consume less sugar, you are more likely to lose weight. Burning off the calories from that 20 oz bottle of Coke will require you to walk about 2.5 miles. If you avoid having sugary drinks each day, you’ll have fewer excess calories to burn, which can help with weight loss and weight management.

Lower Your Risk of Diabetes

With increased weight comes a much higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Excessive sugar consumption can also lead to insulin resistance, which is linked to type 2 diabetes. The risk for diabetes is increased if a person simply drinks one can of soda per day. Cut out that sugary beverage and you can avoid developing diabetes.

Avoid Heart Disease

Excess weight and insulin resistance are a disastrous recipe for heart disease. There are other risk factors related to heart disease, of course, but simply by cutting out excess sugar from drinks, you can help improve your overall cardiovascular health.

Reduce Your Risk of Gout

In addition to heart disease, excessive sugar intake has also been linked to gout. A number of studies have found that soda consumption increases the likelihood of gout in both women and men. Rather than deal with this form of joint inflammation, you can simply cut out sweetened beverages from your diet.

Prevent Cavities and Dental Erosion

Excessive sugar consumption is a common cause of tooth decay. In addition, the carbonation from sodas can weaken tooth enamel, resulting in a condition known as dental erosion. Eliminating sugary beverages from your diet is an effective way of improving your dental health and preserving your smile.

A Word on Artificial Sweeteners

While artificial sweeteners have no calories, they can have unwanted effects on your health. Aspartame (NutraSweet) and sucralose (Splenda) have been known to cause headaches, affect hunger signals in the body, and mess with your hormones. There is even some concern about these sweeteners increasing your risk of developing cancer.

There Are Better Options for Hydration

When it comes to healthy beverages, water, all-natural fruit juices, and unsweetened drinks are your best options. Water should be your primary source of hydration each day.

If you do feel a craving for a soft drink, try having plain seltzer water rather than a sweetened soda. You can use natural flavors such as a slice of lemon to enhance the flavor of the plain soda water, adding some taste without harming your health.

Learn More about Total Wellness

To learn more about eating healthy, maintaining a good weight, and achieving total wellness, be sure to contact the team at Horst Chiropractic. We look forward to your visit and discussing these matters with you in much greater detail.

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