The Most Common Causes of Lower Back Pain

 In Conditions, Pain

According to numbers from the American Chiropractic Association (ACA), up to 80 percent of the population will experience back pain at some point in their lives. Additionally, half of all working Americans experience back pain symptoms each year. Specifically focusing on lower back pain, Americans have $50 billion in medical expenses annually dedicated to the treatment of the lower back. It should come as no surprise given the role the lower back plays in supporting body weight.

Dr. Nathen Horst believes that knowing the causes of pain can play a significant role in prevention and management. This is part of the pain relief approach at this Temecula, CA chiropractic center. Let’s take a moment to cover the most common causes of low back pain.

Lifting Heavy Objects

Lifting heavy objects can place serious stress on the spine, the muscles of the back, and the ligaments, causing pulled muscles or herniated discs. This is why lifting from the knees is so important for preventing a serious back injury.

Sudden Movements That Tweak the Back

Straining the back or tearing a muscle can be a serious risk, especially if you tweak your back by moving in an awkward manner. Move deliberately, and try to avoid sudden, twisty movements.

Poor Posture

Bad posture will take its toll on your body over time, putting greater stress on the lower back. Don’t slouch; be sure to stand straight with your head up and shoulders back. Sit straight as well and avoid slumping in your seat.

Slips, Trips, and Falls

Falling down can do serious injuries to your body. While hip fractures tend to be most common among elderly individuals who suffer from falls, spinal injuries can also occur if you land on your back or side.

Athletic Accidents and Sports Injuries

Athletes put a lot of stress and strain on their bodies, which could lead the lower back to weaken over time. This is why it’s important to consider recovery after workouts and competition, as well as strengthening exercises/conditioning for the back to avoid injury.


Over time, the wear and tear on your joints can lead to arthritis and issues with full range of motion and mobility. This can affect the movement of your vertebrae, and lead to a number of issues affecting your lower back.

Obesity and Sedentary Lifestyles

If you’re obese, there’s a lot of strain placed on your lower back to carry your weight. These matters are compounded if you also lead a sedentary lifestyle, which usually means weakened muscles of the lower back and the stabilizer muscles in the core.

Smoking and Use of Tobacco Products

Smoking and the use of tobacco products has been shown to affect general wellness, which includes joint health. Just consider this another important reason to kick the habit for good (and to never start in the first place).

Learn More About Treating Back Pain

For more information about treating low back pain and other spinal health issues, be sure to contact a skilled chiropractor and back pain specialist. At Horst Chiropractic, your wellness is our focus, and our goal is to help you thrive.

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